2019.4.14~4.17,聚焦显微2019(FOM 2019),英国 伦敦
展台#72: Imagine Optic 生物显微自适应光学产品 MicAO 3DSR 及 AOKit-bio 的最近成果
口头报告:“Adaptive Optics Light-Sheet Microscopy of the Drosophila Brain Using Direct Wavefront Sensing without Any Guide Star”
2018.4.18~4.21,第123届日本眼科学会年会 (JOS),日本 东京
2019.4.22~4.26,光学与光子学国际会议(OPIC 2019),日本 横滨
光展#M17: Imagine Optic 最新的波前传感技术
口头报告:“Hartmann wavefront sensors and adaptive optics for EUV and X-rays”,“Adaptive optics systems for bio-imaging and intense lasers”,“High resolution, high sensitivity, X-ray phase contrast imaging obtained with a Hartmann mask based imaging system for mammography applications”
2019.4.28~5.1,视觉与眼科学会年会(ARVO 2019),加拿大 温哥华
2019.6.24~6.27,慕尼黑光博会,德国 慕尼黑